Fitting Expectation
You have the right to the best equipment that fits you and your unique swing. Many golf stores and courses claim to have professional fitters on staff. But BEWARE! There is more to getting fit than hitting a few balls with a launch monitor and then selecting the club that gives you the longest distance.
You deserve better. If you want to play your best and improve, you must have the right tools. IPAC Members are truly qualified Professional ClubFitters with superior skill, integrity and passion.
Why Get Custom Fit?
You are unique and so is your swing. Your clubs should be dialed in to fit your body type, swing, skill, strength and your goals. You should not have to contort your swing or your stance to accommodate ill-fitting clubs.
100% of Tour Players and Teaching Professionals agree: “you must be fit to improve and play your best”
99.9% of teachers and coaches admit that they can’t teach around ill-fitting clubs
92% of all golfers are playing the wrong clubs for their swing (Golf Illustrated Survey)
Whether a beginner or touring pro, or any skill level in between… you must be custom fit to play your best. When fit properly, your custom clubs should give you many years of great play.
Industry experts estimate there are only 500 truly qualified clubfitters in the world … far too few to adequately service all of the golfers in the world. Thus, the golfing public’s biggest challenge is finding a truly qualified Professional ClubFitter.
That is why IPAC was formed, to not only grow and raise the bar for the profession, but also to help educate and assist the golfing public in selecting a truly skilled ClubFitter.